It doesn’t matter whether your company is specialized in the supply of products or that of services …
More and more companies are facing difficulties in managing daily work processes because of lacking digitized operating systems or in other cases of obsolete and slow systems.
These problems are more common and evident in small to medium-sized enterprises which do not invest in technology but instead continue to operate with notes on paper.
However, the lack of digitalization not only puts your business in a position of disadvantage related to the competition, but also turns out to be a real threat to the management of a normal working day and this translates into more human errors, delays in orders and supplies of products / services, incorrect inventory management, lack of real-time control.
At #CodeIT, we aim to make life easier to those companies for which its unnecessary to invest in comprehensive financial programs by offering them an affordable solution.
Therefore we present you B2B, a digital platform that adapts perfectly to the specifics of each company …
In order to offer you a program suited to your business needs, first of all we study your work processes in advance and in detail,
Hence, it is not appropriate to overload the digitalised system with services that you do not use/need, but which also slow down your work process.
And this is not all; You can access the personalized digital system on your mobile and follow in real time what happens with your business.
Our main focus is creating a program that is userfriendly and which can be easily learned by any age group.
For all of the above, you don’t have to trust us blindfoldedly. That is why we invite you to appreciate and trust the successful experience and collaboration we have built with our partners who have already implemented the B2B platform.
Yes, it’s true we are surrounded by technology everywhere and no one can deny it anymore. Being online enhances the interactivity of any business. All of the services and products offered are advertised in a wider market achieving in this way the targeted feedback. When we are suggested a location, brand or company, the first thing we do is search on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, or any other social media. If the impact it’s not good, would you bother visiting them closely?
That’s the way social media becomes a necessity…If we mismanage it will impact negatively our business. Whether individuals or large company we should know some rules on how to use social media wisely.
1.Firstly, a good marketing strategy should be made.
2. Pay attention! Never forget the target you aim to reach and work for.
3. Photos and videos should be realistic and of the best quality. This way you won’t disappoint any customer.
4. The frequency of posts should be selected based on the type of business. You shouldn’t become a nuisance to followers.
5. Some specific offers of each business need advertising. For good online budget management, a consult is needed.
Of course, social media is a trend for everyone. Recent years are showing that we need them more and more. Everything we need we find it online. Well, this is a fact, these good representatives of our businesses are already a must.
You are building something from scratch and ideas are the only ally?
Okay, that’s enough for you to get started. Do you know that a business would never be complete without a prominent logo? And if the logo is not right then you will be easily forgettable in the market.
The question that naturally arises is “how to build the perfect logo?”
-Your story…
Since it will represent your company, start with its story. Think about the story behind it every time you look at the logo.
Then summarize the words that describe your brand. Put these ideas on paper with a simple outline. Remember that your target is the online marketplace and for them, it should be something that is easily remembered.
This means that if it’s not an icon, the text shouldn’t contain more than 7 words. This applies to colors too. If there are more than 3 colors it will turn into an enemy for your brand.
A very important part is the font of the script. It is imperative that everything the logo presents is in full compliance with the message that the business conveys through it.
No matter how confident you are in the work you do, never forget to consider your competitors. That is why a logo is so important because it is the one that represents you without too many words. And if you hit that first impression you easily turn into a brand, and the market is yours!